If you don't know the story, click here for the Globe and Mail article |
The CEO of the Alberta healthcare system, Stephen Duckett, has gotten fired for eating a cookie?! Are you serious? This is officially the first time in history someone has gotten fired for eating a cookie. But I want to know where he got that cookie - it must've been really good!! Apparently it was an oatmeal and raisin. Well, I'm still not sure why he got fired... Premier Stelmach said his behaviour was quite offensive. This is probably also the first time someone has called the words "I'm eating my cookie" offensive. No one has to talk to the media every time they are approached - I think that Mr. Duckett just found a creative way of saying "no comment". The media should have just backed off when it was clear he didn't want to talk, instead of following him around for two blocks, harassing him.
He even issued an apology for the "incident", saying, "We had made a decision earlier that Dr. Eagle would provide comments to the media after the session... regrettably, I did not convey what I deeply feel, which is the greatest respect for the difficult challenges our health care providers face every day". But it was to no avail, he still got sacked.
Boy, am I glad I don't work for the Alberta government! On the bright side, Mr. Duckett's now in a warmer, more forgiving climate - Australia.
Well, happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans, and Merry November 25th, everybody! Click "follow" or "subscribe" on da left, and feed the fish!
Some links on "Cookiegate" below:
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