Friday, April 15, 2011

Ignatieff and Guergis

Michael Ignatieff seems to have a short memory. A year ago, he had this to say about then-Conservative Helena Guergis:

"I don't think a person like that is worthy of the confidence of Canadians. I don't think that person is worthy of remaining in the cabinet of Canada. It's that simple."

Iggnatief said that after he accused her of lying and demanded that she step down. He definitely didn't sound like her best friend. However, now that she isn't part of the Conservative Party anymore, Ignatief seems to think that Guergis is alright. Just today he said that Harper fired Guergis unfairly:

"He tried to smear her, he discovered the allegations were baseless, and then he refuses to take responsibility."

Wait a minute... I thought you were the one calling for her to resign, Iggy?