Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Royal Proclamation
 His Majesty King Charles William James Philip Toblerone the Eighth, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas King, Defender of the Faith, LG, CI, DGStJ, PC, etc., hereby brings forth this day a royal proclamation of utmost momentousness regarding the exceptional significance of music:

       Since creation, music has been a central part of society. First allow me to show you the universality of music. As the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes states, there is a time for everything. And there is a song for everything as well. While many songs have been composed for celebration and joyfulness,  many songs have also been written for sad times and mourning. Contrast "Hurt" performed by Johnny Cash, and "The Happy Song" sung by Delirious. The former is mournful and sober, the latter sunny and energetic. One may see this variety even in early literature. Take for example the book of Psalms, which contains many songs both joyous and unhappy.
  Music applies to both work and leisure. The famous song "Whistle While You Work" obviously concerns the former, while dance music concerns the latter. Music is also composed for special occasions and holidays. “Happy Birthday”, “Auld Lang Sang”, and the entire genre of Christmas music are all for special occasions and holidays.
  Wherever one goes, one cannot escape music. It is found in every culture, in every time period, in every place humanity has lived. Astronauts have even played the keyboard, guitar, saxophone, and didgeridoo while floating weightlessly in outer space! Because music is popular anywhere, at any time, for anyone, it has established itself quite firmly as a central part of human society. From North America to Japan and from Greenland to Australia, music continues to be one of the most important elements of culture.
       In modern western society, music accompanies many things. People listen to iPods while exercising and the radio while travelling. Movies, TV shows and commercials, video games, sports, theatrical performances, religious worship, and many other everyday activities all utilize music.
Music has also become big business. Albums, tickets for concerts and musicals, downloadable music online, instruments, sheet music, and music playing devices all sell for billions of dollars each year. Professional musicians earn fame and fortune. The enormous electronics company Apple Inc. has earned a large amount of their income from the 16 billion songs downloaded off of their iTunes store and the 300 million iPods they have sold.
       Why is music so popular? Because of its spiritual, mental, and emotional power. If you have ever put on a good song and just let your spirit sing along, you should know what I mean. Arts such as motivational speaking, drama, and music are unique in the their ability to significantly impact people spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I believe that because music is the most universal of these arts, it is also the most effective and beneficial.
       That is the reason why music is often used in religious worship. It is very emotional, while at the same time structured, systematic, and sensible. The medium is successful at establishing emotional ties to the supernatural while remaining rational and practical about the needs of life.
       While music is great at bringing people together around a common cause such as religion or nationalism, it is also very good at helping people define themselves. The many different types of music often cause people to want to identify with a certain genre, subgenre, or composer. This results in groups of fans united around a certain type of music. Often these groups are informal, but formal fan clubs develop as well. Sometimes entire subcultures and even religions are formed around a genre. The notable Rastafari religious movement owes much of its popularity to reggae music. Other subcultures are also built around music, such as the heavy metal subculture, which has its own symbols and fashions.
       Music is a central part of society because it is universally effective at bringing people together and helping them find their identity. It has intertwined with culture all around the world. Music belongs among the most influential and beneficial of all aspects of society, along with essential components such as religion, government, industry, and the media.


  1. nice post! and i like your playlist, btdubbs.

  2. thanks! btw, I had to steal the "abortion button" on your blog ^_^
