Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The 2011 Canadian Election!

   Well, my predictions were right about the NDP becoming the opposition party, the Liberals coming in 3rd, and the decimation of the Bloc Québécois! However, I was expecting a minority government for the Conservatives. It was a pleasant surprise to hear that the Conservatives finally have a strong majority government!
   It was also good to hear about Ignatieff's resignation, following the worst election for the Liberal party in Canadian history. I'm sure the Liberals will be able to recover in time for the next election - they've been around since Confederation and aren't about to be snuffed out now. But the big question now is: Who will be the new leader of the Liberal party?
   The New Democratic Party started a new era in Canadian politics with Jack Layton's outstanding victory! I'm sure they will at least make Canadian elections more interesting. Unfortunately, in the meantime they will have to bow down to Quebec's demands, since they won most of their seats in that province.
   What does the decline of the Bloc Québécois mean for Canada? Well, hopefully it will severely and permanently weaken the Quebec sovereignty movement. The Bloc has lost almost all of its power in Parliament, which can only mean that Canada as a nation will be stronger and more unified.
   Elizabeth May made history and became the first Green Party candidate to be elected into Canada's Parliament. Despite making history, she is only a caucus of one, and I don't expect her to have much influence in our government. The Bloc Québécois, which lost most of its power, still has four times more seats than the Green Party!
   Last but definitely not least, I think the Conservative Party will be able to make Canada a better nation now that they are freed from the quibbling, appeasement, and instability of a minority government.


Conservatives - 167   (up 21)
NDP - 102                 (up 66!)
Liberals - 34              (down 43)
Bloc Québécois - 4    (down 44)
Green - 1                   (up 1)
Other - 0                    (down 1)

For further information see the Elections Canada results.