Monday, May 30, 2011


    I'm finishing grade eleven, and all my friends are talking about what they're going to do after high school - going to certain universities or Bible colleges, traveling, getting jobs... but I don't have a clue what I'm going to do with my life. I have all these random interests and opportunities, but they're disjointed and I just can't put them together! For example, I want to take Political Science and Law after that (if I can get in). But I also want to go to a Bible college or do something to strengthen my faith and prepare me spiritually for the challenges ahead in life.
    I've always said I want to be a lawyer or politician, but now I'm not sure. Being a lawyer, I imagine, would be rather dull and unimaginative, and politics in Canada is just way too nasty. Maybe I'm wrong; I'm not sure. I have many interests... traveling, reading, writing, skating, serving God, history, politics, ect, ect.
    I find my career opportunities branching off into a couple of completely different paths. I could take Political Science, then go into law and become a lawyer or politician. Or after Political Science I could go into journalism. Or maybe I could just completely skip university, and travel around the world, writing or just working wherever I can. That sounds the most fun, but I've always wanted to become well educated and, well, learned. And where does Bible college or missions fit into any of these...?
    I just feel lost, swimming in a huge sea of choices. Where to go, what to do? I know that God has a plan for my life, and he's going to do great things through me, but in a way that just makes me more scared - what if he leads me to do something I don't like for the rest of my life? I know that sounds silly, but really, it's scary because I don't know what God has in store for me. I know it's good to give God the reigns and just let him take me to where I need to go, but it also makes me feel helpless.
    I guess I just have to stay positive and have faith that God will do what's best for me. I need to relax... every once in a while I tense up mentally and plague myself with
"What ifs?". I'm sure it'll all work out. I'll try to keep Psalm 23 in mind...
    Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? Is Law worth going into? Is journalism hard? Is my dream of traveling the world unrealistic?

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